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Default My first dead spread

Rusty wrote:
> My wife's aunt passed away in 1990. She and here husband were of
> Armenian descent. An "old country" tradition is a meal after the
> funeral. Her uncle was a well to do business man and laid out a catered
> spread at the orthodox Armenian church reception hall that must have
> cost thousands of dollars. There must have been at least a hundred
> people there. Seems to me like an undue burden to place on a family
> during a time of grief, but that's what they do.
> -Rusty

I don't think that's unusual, or "old country" at all. I've been to
lots of funerals, for family, friends, co-workers, of all races,
religions and social standings (I live on the East Coast of the US).
They typically have a meal, repast, or some sort of formal refreshment
following the service. Some are elaborate, and some are humble,
according to what they can afford. I think that families
understand/accept that social norm and plan for it when making funeral
