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Melba's Jammin'[_1_] Melba's Jammin'[_1_] is offline
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Default My first dead spread

In article >,
"Nancy Young" > wrote:

> (apologies to those who find that term offensive)
> We went to Las Vegas for my BIL's funeral and there it was ...
> funeral food. I'd asked, what happens after the funeral? Are we
> going out or something? Understand, the only person who lives there
> is my SIL and she didn't have the room or the energy to host a whole
> bunch of people from out of town.
> My other SIL asked the reverend, he said, oh, we can do food.
> So, for free, absolutely free (of course I thought of Dave Smith's wife)
> they put out a bunch of food. I didn't take a very close look, but there
> were sandwiches from somewhere, a big platter of them, plenty of fruit
> and vegetable/dip platters. Kentucky Fried Chicken. A sheet cake and
> a homemade cheescake type thing, that was so very good. Soda/coffee.
> Anyway, I asked around, discreetly, who can I pay (okay, I didn't put it
> that way, I was more polite), the answer was a firm NO.

<rolls eyes> Jesus, Mary, and Joseph -- it's not a restaurant!! If you
REALLY want to demonstrate some thanks for their hospitality, make a
donation to the Church Ladies' Organization -- seems like every one of
'em has a project going that they need money for.

> No matter how I worded it, NO. Okay, I don't want to offend, still I
> feel funny eating the free food.

> One woman was working behind the buffet, I said, I wanted to say how
> very much we appreciate this fabulous spread of food, blah blah. She
> answered me with impeccable southern manners (well, she did, I know it's
> Las Vegas!) and said, we were Happy to do it, the choir considers Lyn
> family etc etc.

See? Those Church Ladies are lovely women, eh?

> Anyway, the whole thing, from the funeral to the food, it was all so well
> done.

> nancy

Good report. I attended a memorial service on Saturday. I haven't
written about the Dead Spread yet -- but it had Hotdish!! Yeay! I told
my friend I'd give it high marks. "-)

I'm sorry for your loss, Nancy. God rest his soul.
<> Updated 4-20-2006 with our visit
to Kramarczuk's.
"If it's not worth doing to excess, it's not worth doing at all."