My first dead spread
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My first dead spread
> Nancy Young wrote:
>> (apologies to those who find that term offensive)
>> We went to Las Vegas for my BIL's funeral and there it was ...
>> funeral food. I'd asked, what happens after the funeral? Are we
>> going out or something? Understand, the only person who lives there
>> is my SIL and she didn't have the room or the energy to host a whole
>> bunch of people from out of town.
> So was this the first funeral you've ever attended? If so, you've
> certainly lived a sheltered life! If you leave the whole thing to the
> church people you get cafeteria food. But I guess that's what they
> do.
I've only been to one funeral in my life and I didn't go with the family and
other friends afterwards so I don't know if they served a "dead spread" or
not. The deceased was a friend from high school who had only graduated the
month before. I've never been to another funeral since. Not everyone goes
to funerals. I won't again unless it's immediate family.
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