Julia Altshuler wrote:
> You might also include Marie Antoinette's "let them eat cake" quote.
Actually, she said "Let them eat brioche." True. "Qu'ils mangeant de
la brioche."
Perhaps talk about the kind of cakes that aren't baked. Johnnycakes.
Pancakes. English "puddings" that are steamed cakes, like suet cake
and plum pudding. Why are there cakes at weddings? How did the custom
of birthday cakes begin?
Pat-a-cake, pat-a-cake baker man
bake me a cake as fast as you can...
Mention Marcel Proust's reveries when confronted with that haunting
tea cake called a "madelaine."
> Also, tell them about the man who was married to two women, Edith and
> Kate. For years neither found out about the other, but when they did
> find out, there was hell to pay. In the middle of all the fighting, the
> man said "look, when you didn't know about each other, you were both
> happy. What was wrong with that arrangement." The two consulted and
> finally told him that he couldn't have his Kate and Edith too.
> --Lia