I need some new Passover recipes
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Donna Rose
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I need some new Passover recipes
In article >,
lid says...
> Donna Rose wrote:
> > In article >,
> > says...
> >
> >>Well if you don't believe that we got the Torah from G-d I can't help you
> >>
> >>
> >
> > I'm curious about why you don't spell out the word "God". Please
> > understand, I'm not making a value judgement about it, I'm simply
> > curious.
> "Thou shalt not take the name........"
> Therefore, Jews write G-d instead, even the ones who do not believe in
> a Superior Being. They are the ones who are very superstitious
> instead of being religious.
Now I'm really confused. Are you saying that merely writing the word
"God" is considered taking the name in vain?
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