"When Do We Eat?"
Oy. Watch it with the "vile British", please.
(looking at the crossposts and wondering whose bright idea *that* was ...)
"Darrin" > wrote in message
> Back from her extended weekend pass from the insane asylum, Boedicia
> (vile British anti-Semite & mother of two, who managed to get a visa to
> the US) wrote:
>> Anthony wrote:
>> > Darrin wrote:
>> > I got to the
>> > > point where If I saw one more matzo ball, I thought I'd kill myself.
>> >
>> > There's a story of Liz Taylor being offered matzo ball soup for the
>> > third dinner in a row and saying (quote from memory) "Is there no
>> > other part of the matzo that's made into soup?"
>> Hardly surprising since she has the IQ of a grape like the rest of>
>> these idiot
>> women who marry jews and then are either pressured to convert or get>
>> the
>> daft idea that one can become a jew by injection. I wonder why Liz>
>> Taylor
>> didn't convert to Burtons religion when she married *him*.>
>> One mustn't mock the afflicted and it is obvious that poor Darrin 68
>> (his IQ)> is a ham sandwich short of a picnic. It is fortunate that
>> he lives
>> close> to Bellevue so the men in white don't have far to go when they
>> have
>> to throw> their net over him every 2 weeks. I heard he has a sidewalk
>> stall
>> where> he sells flies.> Speaking of flies there is an English joke -
>> Three men board a train One is a Paki, one an Englishman and one a
>> jew> Just as they start off, a fly flies into their compartment. The
>> Englishman> brushes it of in disgust, the Paki grabs it and eats it.
>> Another
>> fly manages> to get into the same compartment, whereby the jew grabs
>> it and asks,
>> rubbing> his hands in glee "Anybody vant to buy a fly?"
> When it comes to tasteless humor, I am an equal opportunist. IOW, I
> have heard 'em all!ehehh You cannot stump the YID of TID!eh BO the
> SHMO, I am sure that Halla, Humbug, Bear, Mike Harrison, self-loathing
> Jewish Jane (American), and all the rest of the British skinheads, must
> simply adore you! ehe Otherwise, you continue to shame your fellow
> Brits (including Paul Bettany, who is married to sweet Jew, Jennifer
> Connelly (mother is Jewish), and happily residing with their children
> in their multi-million dollar Brownstone in Brooklyn Heights!eheheh
> BTW, you still have yet to answer the following:
>> Why do you keeping do *that* you simpleton.> As for the no-talent
>> Lesley Warren, the whole world knows she is a> jewess and if> they
>> couldn't tell from that face of hers, the minute she opened her> face
>> would> be enough to convince them.> > Now call Bellevue and tell them
>> to come and get you before they send> the> wagon to the net cafe and
>> throw a net over you, you mad hebe.> ehe ehe ehe ehe ehe ehe ehe ehe ehe
>> ehe ehe> My God, he's got me doing it now!!!!!>>
> As opposed to Dame Joan Plowright (what Sir Larry saw in her is truly a
> mystery!? LOL), who has portrayed Jews in film, and looks more Jewish
> than Lesley Ann Warren ever could! LOL! Once again, "Funny - you don't
> look Jewish!?" applies in many instances. Lesley included! Perhaps you
> should put down the Joseph Goebbels propaganda handbook on the Jewish
> stereotype of appearance. That should come after clearing your trailer
> trash table of its milk & meat. "It does the neo-Nazi children good!"
> eheheh -D, NYC "When I was at school I thought it was fun to lark about
> and show off - and so I did a lot of that - and my mother had always
> wanted to be an actress - and she was a nice Jewish girl - and they
> didn't do that sort of thing in those days - so she used to put me in
> for what we used to call music festivals - and I would do poetry and
> stuff like that" - MARIAM MARGOLYES (Yiddish British).."Today in
> Germany I am called a German man of science, and in England I am
> represented as a Swiss Jew. If I come to be regarded as bete noire the
> descriptions will be reversed, and I shall become a Swiss Jew for the
> Germans and a German man of science for the English!" eh - ALBERT
> EINSTEIN (Greatest Mind of The 20th Century)