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Default "When Do We Eat?"

Jani wrote:

> Oy. Watch it with the "vile British", please.>>
> Jani> (looking at the crossposts and wondering whose bright idea *that* was ...)>

Jani, you conveniently omitted a key word: "anti-Semite." eh I love
British culture! I'm the first one to admit that English sounds far
better when it flows from a British tongue!eh Albeit, Brits do have an
annoying habit of adding an extra vowel to Americanized words:
"flavor," not "flavour." eh Unfortunately, BO the SHMO shames most
righteous British (Britain is the #1 producing country for
international visitors to NYC - consistently leads in more areas of
life than any other city on earth; first among culture, finance,
fashion, retail, trade, cuisine, real estate, nightlife, arts, theatre,
media & communications), with her long history of vile racism. BTW, are
you a SHIKSA or a JAP?eh I ask in the context of endearment!eeh -D, NYC
"Roses are Reddish, Violets are Bluish - if it wasn't for Christmas,
we'd all be Jewish!" eh - BENNY HILL (his last tv special was taped in
NYC).."And you can hear it in my accent when I talk, I'm an Englishman
in New York" - STING.."Did you ever see a woman..coming out of New York
City..with a frog in her hand" - T-REX (aka Marc Bolan, b. Feld, sweet
Yiddish-British).."If we were forced to choose just one, there would be
no way to deny that Judaism is the most important intellectual
development in human history" - DAVID GELERTNER, Yale University
Professor.."Five Jewish men influenced the history of Western
civilization: Moses said the law is everything. Jesus said love is
everything. Marx said capital is everything. Freud said sex is
everything. Einstein said everything is relative" ehe.."Yes, I am a
Jew, and when the ancestors of the right honorable gentleman were
brutal savages in an unknown island, mine were priests in the Temple of
Solomon" - BENJAMIN DISRAELI (1804-1881, first Jewish Prime Minister of
England, responding to Irish Roman Catholic leader Daniel O' Connell,
in the House of Commons, who cast aspersions on his Jewish
ancestry).."Well a redneck nerd in a bowlin' shirt was a guzzlin' Lone
Star beer..Talkin' religion and politics for all the world to
hear..They ought to send you back to Roosha, boy, or New York City
one..You just wanna doodle a Christian girl and you killed God's only
son! I said, has it occurred to you, you nerd, that that's not very
nice, we Jews believe it was Santa Claus that killed Jesus Christ!" eh
- KINKY FRIEDMAN & THE TEXAS JEW BOYS.."I mean the City of New
York...for New York is a wonder city, a veritable fairyland..with many
sights not to be seen in Massachusetts or Maryland" - OGDEN NASH.."This
legendary NY Jewish developer was a pioneer of tract housing & has
towns in New York (Levittown, Long Island - first planned suburban
community in the US) and in Pennsylvania named after him" - WILLIAM
LEVITT.."They would part with all they've got...could they but once
more walk..with their best girl and have a twirl...on the Sidewalks of
New York" - LAWLOR & BLAKE.."I happen to like New York, I happen to
like this town. I like the city air, I like to drink of it, The more I
know New York the more I think of it. I like the sight and the sound
and even the stink of it" - COLE PORTER.."Think Yiddish, dress
British!" eh - POPULAR MADISON AVENUE (hub of retail, fashion,
business, advertising) SLOGAN.."My so-called Jewish roots are in Egypt.
They went down there with Joseph, and they came back with Moses, you
know, the guy that killed the Egyptian, married an Ethiopian girl, and
brought the law down from the mountain" - BOB DYLAN (b. Zimmerman,
sweet Jew - "Voice of A Generation, Top 100 selling artist of
all-time).."."One thing about being successful is that I stopped being
afraid of dying. Once you're a star you're dead already. You're
embalmed" eh - DUSTIN HOFFMAN (2-time Oscar winner, 7-time Oscar
nominee, sweet Jew).."Do the Wall Street shuffle..hear the money the greenbacks tumble..feel the Sterling
need a yen to make a mark...If you wanna make need the luck
to make a buck...If you wanna be Getty, Rothschild (sweet
Yiddish-British whose fortunes turned England into an Empire)" - 10 CC
(Godley & Creme are sweet Yiddish-British).."Groggy eyed and fried -
I'm headed for the station..D-Train ride Coney Island (America's First
Amusement Park) vacation" - BEASTIE BOYS (umpteenth sweet, Jewish NYers
- first successful all-white rap group).."She's my Coney Island
baby..She's my Coney Island Girl..She's a princess, in a red
dress..She's the moon in the mist to me" - TOM WAITS.."I rode a roller
coaster..From Coney Island to Key West.. I held on with one finger..So
the other ten could rest" - HARRY CONNICK JR. (mother is a
sweet).."We'll go to Coney..And eat baloney on a roll..In Central Park,
we'll stroll...Where our first kiss we stole...Soul to soul" - RODGERS
& HART (umpteenth sweet, Jewish NYers).."I'd like to send this one out
for Lou and Rachel..and all the kids and P.S. 192..Coney Island
Baby..Man, I'd swear, I'd give the whole thing up for you" - LOU REED
(family changed name from Rabinowitz, umpteenth sweet, Jewish
NYer).."'Cause everyone's your friend in New York City..And everything
looks beautiful when you're young and pretty..The streets are paved
with diamonds and there's just so much to see..But the best thing about
New York City is you and me..Statue of Liberty, Staten Island Ferry,
Co-op City, Katz's and Tiffany's..Central Park, Brooklyn Bridge, The
Empire State where Dylan lived..Coney Island and Times Square,
Rockefeller Center..Wish I was there" - THEY MIGHT BE GIANTS.."From New
York - the greatest city in the world" - LATE SHOW WITH DAVID LETTERMAN
(Ed Sullivan Theatre - placed the Beatles on the musical map).."I moved
into my apartment Sept. 10. In one day I saw the worst but also the
best of New York. Its people are glorious, marvelous. The best.
First-run movies? We got it. Tops in theater? We got it. Ballet, opera,
circus, concerts. More culture here, more in the way of arts than
anywhere in the world. New York is the Athens of today" - MATT
DAMON.."If statistics are right, the Jews constitute but one percent of
the human race. It suggests a
nebulous dim puff of stardust lost in the blaze of the Milky way.
Properly, the Jew ought hardly to be heard of, but he is heard of, has
always been heard of. He is as prominent on the planet as any other
people, and his commercial importance is extravagantly out of
proportion to the smallness of his bulk. His contributions to the
world's list of great names in literature, science, art, music,
finance, medicine, and abstruse learning are also away out of
proportion to the weakness of his numbers. He has made a marvelous
fight in this world, in all the ages; and had done it with his hands
tied behind him. He could be vain of himself, and be excused for it.
The Egyptian, the Babylonian, and the Roman followed, and made a vast
noise, and they are gone. Other peoples have sprung up and held their
torch high for a time, but it burned out, and they sit in twilight now,

or have vanished. The Jew saw them all, beat them all, and is now what
he always was, exhibiting decadence, no infirmities of age, no
weakening of his parts, no slowing of his energies, no dulling of his
alert and aggressive mind. All things are mortal but the Jew; all other

forces pass, but he remains. What is the secret of his immortality?" -
MARK TWAIN.."One of the great mysteries that has always puzzled me is
how Jews, who account for such a tiny fraction of the world's
population, have been able to achieve so much and excel in so many
different fields - science, music, medicine, literature, arts, business

and more. If you listed the most influential people of the last hundred

years, three at the top of the list would be Einstein, Freud and Marx;
all were Jews. Many more belong on the list, yet Jews comprise at most
less than 3 percent of the United States population. They are an
amazing people. Imagine the persecution they endured over the
centuries: pogroms, temple burnings, Cossack raids, uprootings of
families, their dispersal to the winds and the Holocaust. After the
Diaspora, they could not own land or worship in much of the world; they

were prohibited from voting and were told where to live. Yet their
children survived and Jews became by far the most accomplished people
per capita that the world has ever produced" - MARLON BRANDO (excerpt
from "SONGS MY MOTHER TAUGHT ME").."The Jew is the emblem of eternity.
He who neither slaughter nor torture of thousands of years could
destroy, he who neither fire, nor sword, nor Inquisition was able to
wipe off the face of the earth. He who was the first to produce the
Oracles of God. He who has been for so long the Guardian of Prophecy
and has transmitted it to the rest of the world. Such a nation cannot
be destroyed. The Jew is as everlasting as Eternity itself" - LEO
TOLSTOY.."Western civilization is undeniably a 'Jewified' civilization,

however offensive the word may be to our ears because of the ugly use
made of it by anti-Semites - anti-Semites believed that Jews were
everywhere, and in a sense they were almost everywhere that counted in
modern society" - ALBERT LINDEMANN, In Esau'sTears: Modern
anti-Semitism and the Rise of the Jews, Cambridge University Press,
1997, p. 20.."1/3 of all American multimillionaires are tallied as
Jewish; 45% of the top 40 of the Forbes 400 richest Americans are
Jewish, yet they comprise a measly 2% of the American populace" -
STEVEN SILBIGER ("The Phenomenon of The Jews" - 2000).."Los Angeles is
for those who sleep, Paris and London baby you can keep, no other city
will make me dance like New York" - MADONNA..""The extraordinary
European Jews who emigrated to New York were enriching the city's
intellectual life with an intensity that has probably never been
equaled anywhere during a comparable period of time. I was raised
largely by these Jews...They were my teachers; they were my employers;
they were my friends. They introduced me to a world of books and ideas
that I didn't know existed" - MARLON BRANDO, excerpt from "Songs My
Mother Taught Me" (New York Jewish History - largest, richest,
most creative Jewish community in the world) (Top 10 Places To Live & Work For Those Under
35 - NY, NY) (World's Most Expensive Hotel Suites - #1 -
Plaza Hotel, NY, NY) (Best States For Raising Healthy Kids: #2 -
NY) (NYC - safest, largest city in the US) (NYC Statistics & Fun Facts) (Top 10 Places America Goes To Have Fun -
Times Square) (America's 5 Most/Least Expensive Cities To
Live In: #1 - NYC - most expensive) (NY, NY - Capital Of The World) (NY: 3 of Top 5 Most Expensive Homes in the US) (Temple Emanu-El, NYC - World's Largest
Synagogue - Guinness World Record holder) (NEW LINK - Brach's - World's Largest Kosher
Supermarket, NY) (US Study - Jews Richer Because Of Religion) (A Study In Differences - Are Jews Smarter?) (Jewish population of the US by State) (Jewish population of the World) (Jewish Nobel Prizes) (Is It True - Do Jews Win More Nobel Prizes
than anyone else?) (Tel-Aviv - Top 10 High-Tech Cities In The
World) (Phenomenon Of The Jews) (Jews, IQs & Nobel Laureates) (Do Jews Run Hollywood!? You Bet They do, and
what of it?)

> "Darrin" > wrote in message
> > Back from her extended weekend pass from the insane asylum, Boedicia
> > (vile British anti-Semite & mother of two, who managed to get a visa to
> > the US) wrote:
> >
> >
> >> Anthony wrote:
> >> > Darrin wrote:
> >> > I got to the
> >> > > point where If I saw one more matzo ball, I thought I'd kill myself.
> >> >
> >> > There's a story of Liz Taylor being offered matzo ball soup for the
> >> > third dinner in a row and saying (quote from memory) "Is there no
> >> > other part of the matzo that's made into soup?"

> >
> >> Hardly surprising since she has the IQ of a grape like the rest of>
> >> these idiot
> >> women who marry jews and then are either pressured to convert or get>
> >> the
> >> daft idea that one can become a jew by injection. I wonder why Liz>
> >> Taylor
> >> didn't convert to Burtons religion when she married *him*.>
> >> One mustn't mock the afflicted and it is obvious that poor Darrin 68
> >> (his IQ)> is a ham sandwich short of a picnic. It is fortunate that
> >> he lives
> >> close> to Bellevue so the men in white don't have far to go when they
> >> have
> >> to throw> their net over him every 2 weeks. I heard he has a sidewalk
> >> stall
> >> where> he sells flies.> Speaking of flies there is an English joke -
> >> Three men board a train One is a Paki, one an Englishman and one a
> >> jew> Just as they start off, a fly flies into their compartment. The
> >> Englishman> brushes it of in disgust, the Paki grabs it and eats it.
> >> Another
> >> fly manages> to get into the same compartment, whereby the jew grabs
> >> it and asks,
> >> rubbing> his hands in glee "Anybody vant to buy a fly?"

> >
> > When it comes to tasteless humor, I am an equal opportunist. IOW, I
> > have heard 'em all!ehehh You cannot stump the YID of TID!eh BO the
> > SHMO, I am sure that Halla, Humbug, Bear, Mike Harrison, self-loathing
> > Jewish Jane (American), and all the rest of the British skinheads, must
> > simply adore you! ehe Otherwise, you continue to shame your fellow
> > Brits (including Paul Bettany, who is married to sweet Jew, Jennifer
> > Connelly (mother is Jewish), and happily residing with their children
> > in their multi-million dollar Brownstone in Brooklyn Heights!eheheh
> > BTW, you still have yet to answer the following:
> >
> >> Why do you keeping do *that* you simpleton.> As for the no-talent
> >> Lesley Warren, the whole world knows she is a> jewess and if> they
> >> couldn't tell from that face of hers, the minute she opened her> face
> >> would> be enough to convince them.> > Now call Bellevue and tell them
> >> to come and get you before they send> the> wagon to the net cafe and
> >> throw a net over you, you mad hebe.> ehe ehe ehe ehe ehe ehe ehe ehe ehe
> >> ehe ehe> My God, he's got me doing it now!!!!!>>

> >
> > As opposed to Dame Joan Plowright (what Sir Larry saw in her is truly a
> > mystery!? LOL), who has portrayed Jews in film, and looks more Jewish
> > than Lesley Ann Warren ever could! LOL! Once again, "Funny - you don't
> > look Jewish!?" applies in many instances. Lesley included! Perhaps you
> > should put down the Joseph Goebbels propaganda handbook on the Jewish
> > stereotype of appearance. That should come after clearing your trailer
> > trash table of its milk & meat. "It does the neo-Nazi children good!"
> > eheheh -D, NYC "When I was at school I thought it was fun to lark about
> > and show off - and so I did a lot of that - and my mother had always
> > wanted to be an actress - and she was a nice Jewish girl - and they
> > didn't do that sort of thing in those days - so she used to put me in
> > for what we used to call music festivals - and I would do poetry and
> > stuff like that" - MARIAM MARGOLYES (Yiddish British).."Today in
> > Germany I am called a German man of science, and in England I am
> > represented as a Swiss Jew. If I come to be regarded as bete noire the
> > descriptions will be reversed, and I shall become a Swiss Jew for the
> > Germans and a German man of science for the English!" eh - ALBERT
> > EINSTEIN (Greatest Mind of The 20th Century)
> >