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Helen Harrand Helen Harrand is offline
external usenet poster
Posts: 211
Default My first dead spread


> Consider yourself lucky. My parents used to take us to family funerals

> aunts and great uncles) from the time I was very young. I was a pall

bearer at
> the funeral of my best friend who was killed in a motorcycle accident when

I was
> 14, and again 4 months later for another friend who was killed in a car
> accident. I hate funerals, but attendance is, IMO, a matter of doing the

> thing, whether you like funerals or not. Aside from being flooded with

old and
> sad memories at funerals, the services themselves just **** me right off.
> Ministers always use the services as an opportunity to push their

mythology and
> try to explain the their god has a reason for the person's death.


> > We attended a "dead spread" luncheon at the home of the 46-year-old

> > widow after the funeral. All of the close friends and family were asked

> > bring a dish to pass. I brought King Ranch Chicken and peach cobbler.

> > and lots of people attended, so there was *tons* of all sorts of food

> > copious amounts of alcohol.

> A few people in my wife's family have done memorial cocktail parties

instead of
> funerals or wakes.

OOOOOoooooooooooooohhhhhhhh! A memorial cocktail party! I'm going to have
to drill that into people's heads. That and donate all that's left of me;
where I'm going I won't need it!

It's perfect!
