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jmcquown jmcquown is offline
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Default My first dead spread

Goomba38 wrote:
> jmcquown wrote:
> I've never been to another funeral since. Not everyone goes
>> to funerals. I won't again unless it's immediate family.
>> Jill

> Well, of course that is your right, but if you were thinking of
> comforting others, over your own comfort, you might attend?
> I have been comforted in my mourning just because of the presence of
> folks who didn't *have to* come, but DID.

Considering no one close to me has died since 1977 (the aforementioned
school-mate) I haven't needed comforting. Guess I'm lucky that way.

Their presence reminded me
> of the respect and admiration my loved ones garnered and left me with
> nice memories. Coworkers, fellow volunteers, choir members.. I didn't
> know them, but their presence reminded me of how special the deceased
> was. Just thinking of it now makes me tear up. How would you feel if
> no one bothered to recognize your loved one, and no one cared enough
> to attend?

My parents will have an attendance, I'm sure, unless their friends die
before they do. I'm pretty sure no one *will* bother to attend my funeral
except immediate family, whoever is left. I don't want a memorial service
or a church thing. I don't go to church; my parents never took us to
church. If someone wants to throw a party to celebrate the fact that I'm
gone, that's fine with me. But I don't expect my family to feed a bunch of
people. It's simply not what we grew up with.
