Fermentation Question
excellent, thanks for all the replies guys. The wine is fermenting fine,
the airlock is bubbling away.
"miker" > wrote in message
> I agree that the yeast will be fine with just sprinkling, and if the
> instructions really did say to use "hot" water instead of warm (most
> give an exact temp range somewhere around 100F) then you are probably a
> lot better off that you sprinkled.
> Also, since it came up in several posts, making a yeast starter and
> rehydrating yeast are not the same thing. From what I've read it is not
> necessary and may actually be counterproductive to make a starter with
> dry yeast. I realize some people do it just to make sure the yeast is
> active, but I don't think any dry yeast manufacturer recommends this
> practice.