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Dee Randall Dee Randall is offline
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Default My first dead spread

"Jo Anne Slaven" > wrote in message
> On Fri, 28 Apr 2006 09:40:14 -0700, Ranee Mueller
> > wrote:
>>In article >,
>> "Dee Randall" > wrote:
>>> Maybe I could just dump all of the ingredients in the crock pot and
>>> close my
>>> eyes when serving. Tee hee.

>> Well, you could chop up the cabbage and layer the ingredients and
>>cook it like that.

> I *always* do it that way. Cabbage casserole. Use your favourite
> cabbage roll recipe, but do it like this:
> Chop up the cabbage, and toss it in a huge cast iron casserole dish.
> Mix cooked rice with the raw ground beef/lamb/whatever, and pile it on
> top of the cabbage, leaving some space around the edge of the meat for
> some of the sauce to drip down.
> Mix up your tomato sauce, and pour it over the meat.
> Turn your oven on to 225 or so, and cook the casserole (with a lid on)
> for at least 3 hours.
> This makes excellent leftovers, and it freezes extremely well.
> Jo Anne

Thanks, Jo Anne, I've been looking for something else to do with cabbage.
I've vowed to have either cabbage, cauliflower or broccoli every day.

For those Asian cooks, I don't know where the line is drawn as to whether a
green is a cabbage or a mustard-type green.
Dee Dee