I need some new Passover recipes
On Thu, 01 Apr 2004 10:43:19 -0500, Ben > wrote:
> From the Jewish
>perspective, we look to G-d to see what He wants and not double guess things
>either. From the *Jewish* (and I mean "orthodox" when I say that) perspective
>this means we have a tradition dating back to Moses
> While it may not be held against that person for drinking milk after
>meat because that person due to their circumstances does not know better, it
>*CAN* be held against the person who gives it who *DOES* in fact know better
>(from the Torah perspective at least and if you believe in the Torah then that
>is what you follow).
>Also, a gracious host can be just as gracious while explaining in a nice way
>what is what. It can be done discretely. There is no reason to embarass anyone
>(in fact forbidden from the Jewish perspective).
Ben I believe ( and I may be wrong) that Jews that keep Kosher, do so
as a agreement with God.
The 16 year old may not have made the same agreement, and therefore
did not violate his understand as to what God requires of him. And
the hostess action not only did not insult him by suggesting that he
is some way inferior in Gods eye but she further did not insult those
keeping kosher at her table.
Pan Ohco