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Default I need some new Passover recipes

Pan Ohco wrote:
> Ben I believe ( and I may be wrong) that Jews that keep Kosher, do so
> as a agreement with God.
> The 16 year old may not have made the same agreement, and therefore
> did not violate his understand as to what God requires of him. And
> the hostess action not only did not insult him by suggesting that he
> is some way inferior in Gods eye but she further did not insult those
> keeping kosher at her table.

Not quite right, but the main point here is that a Jew is a Jew and someone
who is not orthodox is not inferior compared to someone who is. The fact of
the matter is that your average orthodox person will view the non-orthodox as
someone who hasn't had the proper education and upbringing in order to
understand what it means to keep Jewish law and therefore they would not be
held liable for not doing what is expected of them. On the other hand that is
not a leniency with regards to the orthodox person himslef (or herself)
dealing with the non-orthodox who is still 100% bound by G-d's law which he
believes in and needs to follow.

Judaism teaches that people should be treated with honour and decency whether
or not they are Orthodox, non-Orthodox or not even Jewish. Granted we are not
perfect but that is the ideal we look towards and it certainly can be done
within the guidelines of Jewish law.
