What's the deal with pans without lids?
Nancy Young wrote:
> " BOB" > wrote
>> jmcquown wrote:
>>>> My middle brother gave me a couple of All-Clad pans a few years
>>>> ago at Christmas. That was nice of him and they are nice pans.
>>>> Except the pans don't have lids.
> Just curious, when you say pans, do you mean saute pans,
> frying pans, like that?
Nope, these are pots. Deep pots, like for simmering broth or stock or a
couple of cups of rice or noodles.
> My sort of annoyance is how they describe pot sets ...
> 7 pieces. Don't try to cook 7 things using them, 3 of the pieces
> are lids. Since I think most pots should have a lid, calling a pot
> and a lid two pieces, eh. No big deal, obviously.
> Jill, grab yourself a universal lid, sure won't cost you much.
> nancy
Where would I find one of those? It would be greatly appreciated!