What's the deal with pans without lids?
BOB wrote:
> jmcquown wrote:
> :: My middle brother gave me a couple of All-Clad pans a few years ago
> at
> :: Christmas. That was nice of him and they are nice pans. Except
> the pans
> :: don't have lids. If I want to simmer something (like rice) which
> requires
> :: covering, I have to use heavy duty aluminium foil to cover the pan.
> I
> :: looked on the All-Clad website and they have an entire section
> devoted to
> :: buying lids to fit the pans. HUH?! You have to buy the lids
> separately?!
> :: And at over $20 each? Is it just me or is this really crazy?
> ::
> :: Jill
> It's called marketing.
Marketing shmarketing... lids cost money!
> Along with your designer pots and pans, you
> get to pay extra for the designer lids. In either matching or
> complementing colors. Ain't it grand?
Nonsense! If your pots are color coordinated you ain't any kind of
cook... color coordinated cookware, all show and no go... you're funny!
> Pay premium prices for pots and pans and also get the option of paying an
> extra premium for the lids that should have been included at the original price!
Why should lids be included... now that's phoney baloney maketing...
pay extra for a bunch of included lids so you end up with many the same
size. DUH!