What's the deal with pans without lids?
BOB wrote:
> It's called marketing. Along with your designer pots and pans, you
> get to pay extra for the designer lids. In either matching or
> complementing colors. Ain't it grand? Pay premium prices for pots
> and pans and also get the option of paying an extra premium for the
> lids that should have been included at the original price!
Marketing people seem to realize that people tend to look only at the
price of most things, and that they aren't bright enough to look at the
whole picture. They can sell a covered pot for $80, or they can charge you
$70 for the pot and most people will think that they are saving $10 on the
pot and not realize that adding the price of the separately priced lid
made it more expensive.
I was lucky to have received some Paderno pots and pans as a gift. Those
puppies aren't cheap, but a few times a year Paderno has a huge sale where
they are marked down 40-50% and there is usually a door crasher item. I
have acquired a few extra pots over the years at these sales. Last year I
was getting something at the hardware store when I spotted a very large
pot that was the door crasher item. For $29.95 I would have been a fool
not to get it.