What's the deal with pans without lids?
Edwin Pawlowski wrote:
> > If it's sold as a set, it should contain one lid for each size pot.
> Why? No logical reason. Not every pot and pan requires a lid at the same
> time so why pay for it.?
Perhaps it depends on the size of the set. Most sets have a variety of sizes,
diameter and depth, so the tops are all different sizes. Few people have
more than 4 burners, so they aren't going to be using more than 4 pots for a
meal, and all might need tops. The tops are the cheapest part of the set,
much easier to make and less material, but the price goes up when you have to
start ordering, shipping and stocking them separately.
One of the nice things about my Paderno pots is that their pot diameters are
standardized and I have different sized tops that are interchangeable, unlike
my previous set of pots which, except for the double boiler, were all
different. There were times I needed the top and bottom of the double boiler
but only had one top.