Buying a slow cooker-need advice/pork chops
"D.Currie" > wrote in message
> > wrote in message
> > Hello all,
> > First, many thanks to all those who responded to my resent post about
> > cooking pork chops!
> > I got some very useful ideas and recipe tips. I haven't tried any of
> > them yet, but plan to soon.
> > I'll report on my efforts.
> > Meanwhile, I will buying a "slow-cooker" soon, one of the few gadgets
> > I don't currently have in my kitchen. I just wanted to ask if anyone
> > has any advice as to which brands/models are best?
> > I think I will probably use if for roasts, soups, stews,etc.
> > Any and all advice will be greatly appreciated.
> > Thanks in advance.
> >
> > Darren
> >
> Make sure you get one where either the cooker insert comes out for
> or the whole cooking unit comes off the base and is washable. Otherwise
> you're going to hate the thing every time you wash it.
> Donna
Isn't *that* the truth, Donna! I had one that didn't have the cooker insert
thingy and it was cumbersome to wash. Not to mention that you're not
supposed to immerse it in the first place!