Ten Pounds of Country Ribs Marinating
Oh yes... a lovely mess o' country ribs (very meaty) steeping away in a
fragrant marinade.
Sometime about six months ago there was a sale on country ribs,
$1.39/lb in family packs,
'bout five pounds each, so I bought two. Yesterday (Friday) I noted
them at the back of my freezer and thought what a great way to welcome
the nice spring weather. And so real quick like I started defrosting
them in the nuker and set about to make a marinade.... does it really
matter they were only half defrosted when they started marinating, I
say no.
Kikkoman soy sauce, 'bout 3 ounces
Apple jelly, 1/2 a small jar what was dying in the fridge, 'bout 3
Ketchup, a few good glugs, about 1/4 cup
Vinegar, white, 'bout 1/4 cup
Sunflower oil, 'bout 1/4 cup - I like sunflower oil, especially for
salads - not always easy to find - don't know why, world wide probably
more produced than all other oils combined.
Sesame oil... oh, perhaps ten drops
Garlic, three big cloves, smooshed
Sweet Ginger Sesame Hibachi Grill Sauce by House of Tsang - happens I
went into town yesterday and so picked this off the shelf knowing I was
gonna do the ribs, never used it before, a crap shoot... hey, it's
good... used 'bout half the 14 ounce jar.
White and black pepper, fresh ground... lots... okay, 'bout a 1/2 Tbls
No hot pepper, cats get offered some too... they may indulge, they may
not... probably not, they're not real big into pork, they're more rare
beef and roast chicken lovers... but hey, they live here and so no hot
pepper. I don't much care for hot pepper either, I'd rather taste the
I think that was it... came to 'bout 2 cups
Divided the ribs into two 1 gallon size Zip-Locs (10 huge ribs each)
and poured half the marinade into each.
Squished em about a bit and laid em in a stainless steel mixing bowl
and popped em into the fridge... been squishin' n' flippin' em 'bout
every eight hours. They's be goin' on da Weber Monday afternoon for a
looong slooow cook... gonna have some neighbors over for ribs n'