Need Cooking 101 classes
Hi, gang,
I do not live in a huge megalopolis like NYC or LA. I live in Middle
America (Tacoma, WA), where culinary resources can be rather limited.
Frankly, I am a rather poor cook. Unfortunately, that seems to be quite a
handicap for someone wanting to follow a stict vegetarian diet (no meat of
any kind, no dairy products and no eggs).
I need to learn how to cook. For two days now I have been hunting and
hunting for a course I can take in cooking, to no avail. I have "googled"
until I am blue in the face; I have used other resources like the Tacoma
Public Library. Yes, I found classes in how to cook fondue and in making
candy, but I need a course that starts with just one step above Boiling
Water 101. Besides, man does not live by fondu and candy alone (not even
an omnivore).
If I am having this problem in Tacoma, then there must be others
throughout Middle America who are running into this problem as well. What
is a person to do?
Monkkey's Unkle for President (at least, better than Dubya)