Group conduct
Sheldon wrote:
> Ward Abbott wrote:
> > Can anyone explain HOW and WHY a civil forum like has
> > become vulgar, obscene, repulsive, demented, caustic, trivial, biased,
> > nit witty, irrelevant, boring, demented, gutrenching without out any
> > contributor's personal validation and approval?
> Let me help explain this. See some a$$holes decided they owned a public
> forum. They liked to drive people out of a public forum. Now, some of
> the people they drove out and there are more than one are fighting back.
> Sorry, but it looks like your newsgroup is going to be a mess for
> awhile. Do I care? Now FOAD and quite you're snivelling, you f*cking tard!
That's life. In a free country we have to put up with assoles like Rob
Wade, mastic, and arizonadreaming.
Aaron Space Museum