Boron Elgar wrote:
> Beyond his honesty or lack of it, is a serious intolerance for
No one is perfect. We try and hopefully work on improving ourselves. I don't
see the relevance of what the poster you are responding to said. Regarding
making judgments about religions - I make decisions based on my knowledge and
as my knowledge improves so does my outlook on a particular thing. It might
even change as a result. I can admit that I am wrong. But the issue here is
being accused of intolerance because I don't believe in the "truths" pushed by
a completely different religion trying to fool people by using the term
"Judaism". LIke I said already - in the commercial world this is called
trademark infringement and is illegal (at least in the U.S.)
I have no problem if these religions did not insult a religion thousands of
years older than them. Let them claim they are the truth - everyone else is.
At least Christianity doesn't call itself Judaism - even though like I already
mentioned they have good reason to considering their religion believes they
are the Jews of today. At least they believe that the Torah is divine - unlike
many Reform "Rabbis" who according to a poll I once saw don't even believe in G-d!
> religious practices other than his own. His remarks about Conservative
> and Reform Judaism were condescending and rude.
In short I don't believe religions other than Judaism represent the truth. I
can accept that they believe they do, but have no reason to believe their so
called truths. If I did, I wouldn't be practicing Judaism - I'd be following
whatever that religion was. You can be sure a buddist is not going to say
Judaism represents the truth and the word of G-d. Is that intolerance to you?
Not believing that every religion is right in their claims. I understand that
a Christian believes that his beliefs reflect the truth and I can accept that
and have no problem with it. I can accept that Reform believes it represents
the true too. But I certainly do not have to believe in their "truths" myself.
Are you a bigot for not believing in orthodox Judaism? Why do you insult
orthodox Judaism that way? Why are *you* so intolerant?
> Those who feel that their religion is the One True Path and yet
> denigrate the beliefs and practices of others, have lost sight of one
> the greatest teachings that religion offers.
You have just lumped all religions into the same basket. I am sure many
religions would now be insulted by your intolerance in understanding their
But my impression is that many Americans think that anyone who disagrees with
them is automatically a bigot (based on the observation of other threads in
other newsgroups). Society works well with tolerance but you have not
demonstrated that you even know what it means. Did I label you with any
insulting American terms in this discussion? No. But as soon as someone
disagrees with your outlook you are quick to insult.
"What passes for wisdom may only be eloquent foolishness"
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