I feel the same way.After I watched the video I no longer care for eating
Pork.. You think that video was bad..Take a look at what they do here..
"Gary" > wrote in message ...
> Marcelino wrote:
> > You really need to check this out... Pork eater especially.
> >
> > http://www.petatv.com/tvpopup/Prefs....nahan-pig-farm
> Well, that pretty much ruined my appetite for pork for the time being,
> and I love pork chops, bacon and ham. I know that things like that are
> bound to happen in all meat industries, and I'm sure if everyone knew
> about it all, they would question eating meat altogether. Although such
> animals are raised and intended to be eaten, I feel they deserve a little
> more dignity and humane treatment while they are alive; just because they
> are intended for slaughter from the day they are born, doesn't mean they
> should be brutalized while they are alive. But, God gave me meat eating
> teeth, and a natural appetite for meat, so I'll not convert to
> vegetarianism. It's clear that these practices need to be changed, but I
> can't foresee boycotting meat completely for life, so I'll stop buying
> pork for now, and let publicity and legislation catch up to this, then
> I'll consider buying it again.
> Just my $0.02 opinion.
> Gary
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