Marcelino wrote:
> I feel the same way.After I watched the video I no longer care for eating
> Pork.. You think that video was bad..Take a look at what they do here..
> "Gary" > wrote in message ...
>>Marcelino wrote:
>>>You really need to check this out... Pork eater especially.
>>Well, that pretty much ruined my appetite for pork for the time being,
>>and I love pork chops, bacon and ham. I know that things like that are
>>bound to happen in all meat industries, and I'm sure if everyone knew
>>about it all, they would question eating meat altogether. Although such
>>animals are raised and intended to be eaten, I feel they deserve a little
>>more dignity and humane treatment while they are alive; just because they
>>are intended for slaughter from the day they are born, doesn't mean they
>>should be brutalized while they are alive. But, God gave me meat eating
>>teeth, and a natural appetite for meat, so I'll not convert to
>>vegetarianism. It's clear that these practices need to be changed, but I
>>can't foresee boycotting meat completely for life, so I'll stop buying
>>pork for now, and let publicity and legislation catch up to this, then
>>I'll consider buying it again.
>>Just my $0.02 opinion.
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What a bunch of friggin losers. PETA is a friggin cult, and these films
are probably shot by them, to *raise* awareness and make $$$ off the
idiots that follow this lame cause.
What reasons do normal pork farmers have, for killing pigs this way?
Like they hire trailer trash to do the killing for them?
Geez, how friggin ignorant and stupid can people be.
However, as the saying goes; there is a sucker born every minute.
"..A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava
beans and a nice chianti..."
Hannibal "The Cannibal"
Silence Of The Lambs 1991