5 lb bag of sugar is 4 lbs...
Steve Wertz wrote:
> On Sun, 30 Apr 2006 11:57:57 -0700, Mark Thorson wrote:
> > The sugar industry is a terrible racket, maintained
> > by large donations to corrupt politicians.
> You can blame the HFCS lobby for that. Not only Kraft, but many
> candy makers have moved to Canada (LifeSavers, ie), putting
> Americans out of work all to fatten the politicians pockets.
> Somebody gimme a gun... I *HATE* politicians.
You can't blame the HFCS industry for creating
the sugar racket. They merely exploited the
price supports created by the sugar beet industry.
Essentially, HFCS is an end-run around the
sugar price supports, and now that it is an
established industy, they certainly don't want
to see the pricing regime change.