On Sat, 29 Apr 2006 05:29:07 -0500, jmcquown wrote:
> My middle brother gave me a couple of All-Clad pans a few years ago at
> Christmas. That was nice of him and they are nice pans. Except the pans
> don't have lids. If I want to simmer something (like rice) which requires
> covering, I have to use heavy duty aluminium foil to cover the pan. I
> looked on the All-Clad website and they have an entire section devoted to
> buying lids to fit the pans. HUH?! You have to buy the lids separately?!
> And at over $20 each? Is it just me or is this really crazy?
Personally, I'd rather buy the pan and lid separately. I bought
several sizes of lids to fit my various pots and pans from a
restaurant supply store xx years ago and they are still going strong.
In fact, I just "inherited" some glass lids from a kid who had thrown
out the cookware they came with and I imagine I'll have them either
until I die or I move out of this house.... which ever comes first.

Ham and eggs.
A day's work for a chicken, a lifetime commitment for a pig.