Thread: Cutting Boards
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Terry Pulliam Burd[_1_] Terry Pulliam Burd[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 718
Default Cutting Boards

I'm shopping for a new cutting board. My old wooden one is reversible
with a chopping side with a useless narrow trough that only served to
catch chopped bits that were annoying to get out on one side and a
side with a jus trough and "holder" points on the other. I was looking
at a bamboo cutting board, which claims to be stronger than maple and
absorbs 16% less moisture, that is strictly a chopping board with no
whistles or bells, but strikes my fancy:

And a kinda cool looking maple board that overhangs the counter, so
you can sweep the cut veggies, etc., off the board into, say, a
waiting hand-held pot or bowl.

Since I'm gadget mad, I can't be objective <sigh> Anyone care to
opine? Like anyone is shy in this lot :-)

Mind you, this is the last cutting board I hope to ever own and I
*know* they're a bit pricey, but...

Terry "Squeaks" Pulliam Burd

"Most vigitaryans I iver see looked enough like their food to be
classed as cannybals."

Finley Peter Dunne (1900)

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