"Doug Kanter" > wrote in message
> "hob" > wrote in message
> ...
> >I was walking through the store yesterday, and I noticed that the "5
> > bags of sugar (of all producers) were now all 4 pounds.. (and the price
> > PER
> > BAG was also up from last year, fwiw).
> > Since I almost always buy by the "unit", e.g., can, bag, box, etc.
> > rather
> > than by the weight, I don't really pay close attention to the "unit's"
> > weight
> >
> > I realize there has been a lot of "downsizing" of the quantity without
> > any commensurate lowering of price (a lot of candy bars put out in new
> > displays in the past few weeks, e.g., ), but when did the "old
> > like sugar make that change?
> >
> > (FWIW 2 - It also looks like the price per pound of sugar is up almost
> > 100%
> > over last year.)
> It hasn't been downsized. They make 3 sizes currently:
> 4-lb. bag
> 4-lb. New Plastic Canister
> 5-lb. bag
> The unit price *has* gone up some, but that's due to freight more than any
> other factor.
No, you are wrong. The price of sugar has jumped significantly.
from the USDA
refined sugar price November 2005 - 13.10
refined sugar price April 2006 -21.35
in the last six months, price of refined is up 63%
from the USDA
raw sugar price, November 2005 -12.86
raw sugar price, April 2006 -18.21
in the last six months, price of raw is up 42%