Rye Brick
Hi Will,
Yes, it smelled fruity. I couldn't wait a couple of days for the rye
to cure, so I cut a few slices this afternoon. Since the dough never
rose, the slices were low and wide. I tried one with butter; one with
almond butter; one with smoked salmon; and another with dark Norwegian
goat cheese. (What can I say? I must have a cast-iron stomach.)
Anyway, the crumb is dark, almost carmelized, and looks good. The
taste is arresting. You think you know what it's going to taste like,
but as you continue to chew on the rye, you realize there's yet another
taste - a sour kick.
My dough was beyond glop; it truly had a thick gritty batter
consistency. When I tried to shape the wet dough, it stuck between and
on my fingers (later my huband could follow my trail in the kitchen.)
Next time I'll add more flour to get to the tacky-sticky stage.
I wonder if anyone has a SD recipe for Finnish rye? I bet that would
really taste even better with my Norwegian cheese.