I need some new Passover recipes
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Julia Altshuler
Posts: n/a
I need some new Passover recipes
> This is normal for religions too. I know of several Christian churches
> who basically say they are the only true Christians and anyone else
> calling themselve that are wrong.
There's an interesting advantage to this phenomenon. True, people argue
about it. One says "I belong to the Beagle religion." Another says
"No, I'm the only true Beagle; you're a fake Beagle, an imposter, why
don't you call yourself what you really are, a Schnauzer?" They may
come to blows or at least a nasty usenet flame war.
But look at the flip side. Two people meet. One says he's a Beagle.
So does the other. If both truly believe in religious freedom, they
have all they need for a good respectful discussion. They sit down and
talk. "What do you believe as a Beagle?" "Really? I agree with you
some points of Beagledom but differ with you on this other point." They
can get to know each other and become friends.
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