wait staff rudeness
"Julia Altshuler" > wrote in message
> It happened again tonight. We ate the first part of our meal in
> relative silence since we don't like to talk much as we eat. As we were
> slowing down, we started talking more. Only when we're in the middle of
> spirited conversation does the waiter or waitress come over to interupt
> to ask if everything is alright. I have to take my attention away from
> my dining companions to pay attention to her to reassure her that
> everything is fine. (Or it was fine until I was interrupted.)
> I was a waitress. I'm trying to be sympathetic to someone who has a
> rough job, but it is getting harder. Is it my imagination, or is it
> rude to walk straight up to people in the middle of conversation to
> interrupt them with some trivial question? Surely if there were
> something wrong, wouldn't that be obvious by the fact that I was looking
> around for the server trying to catch their eye?
> Is there a solution? May I explain that I'm in the middle of a
> conversation and don't wish to be interrupted? Would that do any good?
> I never take my irritation out on the servers' tip because even I'm
> not that cantankerous and because I know the servers would have no way
> of making the connection between their interruption and the lower tip.
> --Lia
Yeahbut......what kinda restaurant was it? One of those 'family'
restaurants? A TGIF or other such place? I ask because one can't expect 5
star service in a 2 star joint.
Jack Waitri