Thread: i need help
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Joseph Littleshoes[_1_] Joseph Littleshoes[_1_] is offline
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Posts: 259
Default i need help

butterflyangel wrote:
> i made some butter chicken from scratch and grabbed what i thought was
> paprika ..... the recipe called for 3 tsps paprika and 1/2 tsp chilli
> powder ...... well i made a mistake and ended up putting 3and 1/2 tsps
> chilli powder in it ........ it was so hot i couldnt eat it , my man
> and i tried everything we could think of to try and de heat it ....
> added dried apples , sultanas, cream , yogurt,, tomato ketchup every
> thing
> it was absolutly horrid .... my darling was very brave and was able to
> eat some me i couldnt cope with more than about 3 mouthfuls .....
> does any body have any ideas what i can do if accidently do the same
> thing ever ever again ......... it made me feel terrible i dont
> normally have any kinds of problems in the kitchen and it was just a
> lousy end to a lousy day
> tessa

I am not familiar with "Butter chicken' but google turns up a lot or
Indian recipes that seem primarily to use the chilli powder in a
marination and then a sauce.

If this is the case with your dish you might consider rinsing off all
the chicken and then sitting it to simmer for 1/2 hour or so, preferably
in good stock but wine or plain water will suffice.

A low simmer so you don't over cook your chicken and yet hot enough and
long enough to dilute any remaining chilli powder that might have worked
its way into the chicken.

You could then use the chicken in some other way. A curried chicken
salad might be nice.

One time i tried to make creme puffs, we at dumplings for a week.