elaine wrote:
> >> ............if anyone is interested.
> >>
> >> I'm almost at the end of this very long kitchen project.
> >>
> >> Now, --- should I crack open a bottle of champagne and throw it on the
> >> floor? (and drink it up, of course)!
> >>
> >> Elaine
> >>
> >>
> >> http://i3.tinypic.com/x282vs.jpg
> >> http://i3.tinypic.com/x286c0.jpg
> >
> > I can't open the links.
> Sorry... I'm not sure why you cannot. I can.
> Sometimes this stuff just doesn't happen as easily as it should.
> E,
Some browsers have issues with the first three additions to tinypic
I've pretty much eliminated that problem as when I post them, I remove
those first three digits befor "tinypic".
She can try these:
I just removed the "i3."
Hope this helps? :-)