Thread: floor down
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Sheldon Sheldon is offline
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Default floor down

Chris Marksberry wrote:
> "elaine" wrote
> > >>> > Tile looks nice but where's the molding?
> > >>
> > >> 'Almost' - as in nearly finished Hopefully the molding won't take
> > >> another 4 months.
> > >
> > > For a kitchen the molding should be ceramic tile too.
> > >
> > > Sheldon

> >
> > Really?
> >
> > I'm not sure I've ever seen that.

> We have ceramic tile in several areas in
> our home (kitchen included) and the molding is just the regular stuff.
> Chris in Pearland, TX

In general living space, living rooms/bedrooms you don't need ceramic
cove tile, those are not high moisture areas... but you skimped in your
kitchen or got ripped off... you probably don't have tile under your
kitchen and bath cabinets either... if you did it yourself you didn't
know better, if your contractor did it you were ripped off royally....
most contractors are thieves, they set the cabinets then tile up to it.
They save tile and labor, they don't care that the wood cabinets will
warp/shrink/expand and break away and leave a horrid looking gap, that
will also trap water that will make a bad situation much worse, and
that some day you may want to change cabinets or do some renovation and
with no tiles in those area you have a major (and costly) addition to
your job... probably will need to redo the entire floor. And your
counter surface will be about an inch lower... an inch is a lot, ask
any woman. hehe

Anyone considering building new or doing a kitchen/bath renovation must
insist on ceramic cove tiles and any tile work be installed over the
entire floor first, then set the cabinetry over it.... it's like maybe
$100 extra material and the crew is there installing anyway so it's
only a little extra labor... but contactors are thieves... they know
that the vast majority of their customers are ignorant about building.
You'd be amazed on how many things they cheat on, $50 here, $100 there,
even $5 and $10 in hundreds of places, it all adds up to big bucks...
and then down the road the customer pays ten times more to redo all the
