Group conduct
Sheldon wrote:
> Ward Abbott wrote:
> > Can anyone explain HOW and WHY a civil forum like has
> > become vulgar, obscene, repulsive, demented, caustic, trivial, biased,
> > nit witty, irrelevant, boring, demented, gutrenching without out any
> > contributor's personal validation and approval?
> Let me help explain this. See some a$$holes decided they owned a public
> forum. They liked to drive people out of a public forum. Now, some of
> the people they drove out and there are more than one are fighting back.
> Sorry, but it looks like your newsgroup is going to be a mess for
> awhile. Do I care? Now FOAD and quite you're snivelling, you f*cking tard!
Around six or five years ago, you told me to FOAD for posting about
Martha Stewart's
paint in a cooking group. You said I was posting off-topic. I thought
that I was posting
on-topic (I rmemeber I was hoping to find out the quality of her
cooking tools), but the
obvious question is Are you one of those people who thinks that you're
exempt and that
the world revolves around yiou?????????? Then, three years ago, you
thought I was lying
for saying that I have a doctor's appointment in the morning and need
to know if having
coffee will change my blood test results. Are you one of those poepl e
who thinks you
know what goes on in others' heads. Why would I care if a bunch of
strangers I never set
eyes on and wouldn't know them if they bit me on the ass thinks I
have a doctor's
appointment if I really don't? My body needs caffeine or my blood
circulating through my body feels heavy. I get headaches if I don't get
a certain amount of caffein. I know best what foes on in my head AND in
my life.