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Nathalie Chiva Nathalie Chiva is offline
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Posts: 308
Default Elimination diet HELP!!!

On Fri, 05 May 2006 18:17:57 +1000, Old Mother Ashby
> wrote:

>The awful thing is when somebody, invariably female, who doesn't get it
>with cooking (like my MIL who has obviously passed on the genes or lack
>of them) is forced to do the cooking because of social expectations. How
>many families, even in this day and age, suffer because Mum feels that
>the cooking is *her* job even though she's no good at it and Dad might
>very well have more ability if he was willing - or allowed - to try?

Ooooh, that was my grandparents. He loved eating and cooking, but he
did not cook - I mean (that was the thirties and forties) a man
doesn't cook, right? She hated cooking, and did it all - the results
were between bland and awful. So he got angry at her <sigh>.

Nathalie in Switzerland