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Default I need some new Passover recipes

In article >,
Sheryl Rosen > wrote:

> So then why would Rokeach sell bottles of it with a KP on it?
> That's what my mother always bought for Pesach. We always ate peanuts during
> Pesach, and Mom always bought a new jar of peanut butter with a KP on it.
> I dunno, when I was little, we were very observant during Pesach, changing
> dishes, pots, etc, the whole nine yards. I seriously doubt we would have
> eaten peanut oil and peanut butter erroneously.
> And we are from Eastern Europe, so we don't eat corn, rice, peas or beans.
> (Sephardic Jews do eat lentils, beans and rice)

Peanuts are beans (legumes) and thus are kitniot. Perhaps the KP is for

"Even if a product says that it is kosher for Passover, it still may be
inappropriate for you. More and more products from Israel (where the
majority of the population are Sephardim, who do use kitniot) have been
imported to this country. These products are not kosher for Passover for
Ashkenazim, but will be labeled as kosher for Passover, since they are
kosher for Passover for Sephardim. Some of the problematic ingredients
include lecithin, corn syrup, rice and peanuts."

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