Andrew B. Chung, MD/PhD wrote:
> Kumar wrote:
> >
> > Unless people are initiated to do bads, opposites and otherwise,
> > destruction phase can't be materialized.
> Human nature is by default sinful since the original sin committed by
> Adam and Eve.
It can be sinful or for good deeds (btw what word is opposite to sin)
depending on previous accumulations?
> The wages of sin is death.
The wages of Imbalances can be sufferings alike diabetes in which
suger(nutrient) is good thing for body but its imbalances can cause
sufferings. LORD do teaches us and indicates before extreme step.
> > So good people
> No such thing. We are all sinful.
No, but previous debit accumulation of sins may be much more now than
what we can maximum credit to these by all good deeds.
> > should consider
> > it as HIS/Nature's system of balance, so shouldn't take/feel otherwise.
> Still praying for you, dear Kumar whom I love in Jesus' most precious
> and most holy name.
Thanks, all those who love each other also exchange graces of LORD on
> "My LORD **and** my GOD!" -- Archetypal Atheist "Doubting" Thomas upon
> seeing the risen Jesus Christ.
> "I am the way, the truth, and the life... " -- LORD Jesus Christ
> In truth, I most assuredly know the LORD to be kind, just and right.
> Will be available to "glow" and chat about this and other things like
> cardiology, diabetes, Bird Flu, the Lamb's opening of the 6th seal (Rev.
> 6:12), cooking and nutrition that interest those following this thread
> here during the next on-line chat(05/04/06) from 5 to 6 pm EST, LORD
> willing:
> For those who are put off by the signature, my advance apologies for how
> the LORD has reshaped me:
> Prayerfully in Christ's love,
> Andrew