Julia Altshuler wrote:
> wrote:
>> This is normal for religions too. I know of several Christian churches
>> who basically say they are the only true Christians and anyone else
>> calling themselve that are wrong.
> But look at the flip side. Two people meet. One says he's a Beagle. So
> does the other. If both truly believe in religious freedom, they have
> all they need for a good respectful discussion. They sit down and
> talk. "What do you believe as a Beagle?" "Really? I agree with you
> some points of Beagledom but differ with you on this other point." They
> can get to know each other and become friends.
You would be surprised how many friends I have from different cultures and
backgrounds from myself - even different religions. Which leaves me with an
idea of a little challange - but not in this part of the thread. Talk is
rather cheap. I'd like to see how many friends (interacting with in flesh and
blood) these so called tolerant people have or are they just full of empty
words with their tolerant talk bacause when they encounter someone different
to themselves they relate by attacking...
"What passes for wisdom may only be eloquent foolishness"
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