> Bob Terwilliger wrote:
>> I got a CSA membership in a local farm. The deliveries begin this month
>> and
>> run through October. Each week I get a big box of fresh produce. I'm
>> kind
>> of at the mercy of the farmer as to what I get in the box. He grows a
>> wide
>> variety of stuff, and I've got a pretty good handle on what to do with
>> almost everything I expect to receive, but one crop gives me pause:
>> wheatgrass.
>> The only thing I've seen done with wheatgrass is juice extraction, and
>> I'm
>> under the impression that a run-of-the mill juicer won't do it;
>> wheatgrass
>> needs a special wheatgrass juice extractor. Besides juicing, is there
>> anything ELSE that can be done with wheatgrass?
>> Bob
I agree with you from my experience. I have a juicer and a I also bought a
manual grinder for grinding out the juice from the wheat grass (from a
health food store) in order to determine whether I wanted to raise my own
wheat grass in that I could not buy it readily. I can tell you that
hand-grinding wheat grass is not for the faint of heart, but it will do it;
but if I were serious about using it a lot, I would buy a good electric
grinder-- the best they make; the research I read recommended just that.
Good luck.
Anything elese that can be done with wheatgrass?
Yes, compost it after juicing.
Dee Dee