Fish and chips in Brisbane.
Steve Wertz wrote:
>On Sat, 6 May 2006 14:41:18 +0000 (UTC), LucasP wrote:
>>The flake...... was the size of a pack of cards, and had the life deep
>>fried out of it. Overcooked. You'd think a speciality fish place would
>>know how to cook a frikken piece of fish!!!!
>From what I've experienced in Australia, this is typical of any
>restaurant or home cooking down under. It all sucks.
>I guess that's the disadvantage of living so far away from real
>civilization - you folks historically didn't have any bordering
>neighbors to teach you how to cook or eat anything worthwhile.
You lot, of course, have the civilizing influence of the Mexicans on
your so-called cuisine! From what I've experienced in America, you are
in no position to talk. Huge servings of bloody nearly inedible junk
food swimming in grease and overloaded with chili to make up for the
lack of flavour. I did get some good home cooked meals; if you didn't
here then it is a reflection on the people you were keeping company
with, not on the local cuisine. Unless, of course, you are so used to
bad cooking that you actually don't appreciate good cooking when it
lands on your plate. We've got a friend like that, and I regret to say
she's American, though to be fair she could be any nationality. I blame
the parents.
Australia, like America, was settled by people from all over the world.
They didn't need to be taught how to cook, they brought the knowledege
with them and, unlike far too many of your compatriots, equally far from
"real civilization" (now I suppose I've offended the Canadians), they
haven't forgotten and had to take lessons from the Mexicans. Indeed, I
have read that authentic Mexican food is not bad, but that a specially
inedible version has been developed by Americans. I'm sure somebody will
correct me if I'm wrong about this :-)
I realise that you're just stirring possums with this drivel (goodness
knows Pete invites it), but honestly you only make yourself look like
the stereotypical loud ignorant Yank. And there's always the danger that
some people will take you seriously. Give it a break.