Fish and chips in Brisbane.
Old Mother Ashby > wrote in news:445e8c44$0$3288
> aem wrote:
>>Old Mother Ashby wrote:
>>>Steve Wertz wrote:
>>>>From what I've experienced in Australia, this is typical of any
>>>>restaurant or home cooking down under. It all sucks.
>>>I realise that you're just stirring possums with this drivel (goodness
>>>knows Pete invites it), but honestly you only make yourself look like
>>>the stereotypical loud ignorant Yank. And there's always the danger that
>>>some people will take you seriously. Give it a break.
>>Oh, I doubt anyone will take him seriously. Many of us loud ignorant
>>Yanks have visited and enjoyed Australia. We spent three months in New
>>Zealand and Australia and found excellent restaurants in the big
>>cities, high quality ingredients at the markets, outstanding home
>>cooking from our (new and old) friends, and even interesting meals at
>>RSL's in the smaller towns. I will say that when Americans talk about
>>Oz, though, the friendliness of the people is a more likely topic of
>>conversation than the food. -aem
> Aaawwh! Now you're making me feel all embarassed!
> I've also had meals at RSLs that I would describe as "interesting", but
> more in the sense of veal parmigiana garnished wth kiwi fruit. ;-)
Hmmmm, interesting!!
If you didn't know, kiwi fruit is also a good tenderiser. Slice it and
layer it on your (raw) steak, cover and leave for about 20-30mins. Scrape
off the fruit and cook.
Paw-paw is another good one for tough meat too.
> what it's worth, while we're having tihs love-in, I think that
> Australians and Americans get along pretty well -
Same here. So much so, I married one!! For a little while anyway :-)
>I enjoyed my long ago
> visit tremendously. There is a subtle difference in what you might call
> the world view of each nation - Americans are devoted to the ideal of
> heroic individualism, Australians more to a group ethic known as
> "mateship" - but there's no harm in that.
> I just wish that if Steve wants to have a go at Peter he would stick to
> personal abuse and not make halfwitted attempts at insulting the whole
> country, which obliges people like me to defend the national honour!
I think most people will see his rants for what they are. An immature
little dummy-spit.
Maybe he doesn't know what this means :-) ???
Peter Lucas
At this spectacle even the most gentle must feel savage, and the most
savage must weep.
Turkish Officer
400 Plateau