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Default wait staff rudeness

On Sun, 5 Oct 2003 05:45:36 -0500, "jmcquown" > wrote:

> Would you rather have to wave your arms over your head if something *were*
> wrong? I was a server; the companies I worked for insisted I go back and
> check mid-meal to make sure everything was satisfactory. I can't imagine
> any conversation at a restaurant being *that* intense that you wouldn't be
> able to break off and say "We're fine, thanks".

Exactly. Most people can manage to stay focused long enough to say "We're okay"
or "Could you bring (whatever is needed)?".

People are generally either eating or talking when they dine. I would rather be
interrupted in the midst of a conversation, than with a mouthful of food. Even
then, a nod and a smile will suffice. One can hardly expect the waitstaff to be