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Ranee Mueller
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Default I need some new Passover recipes

In article >, Ben
> wrote:

> When you have something mentioned 3 times in the Torah, we don't say
> "now isn't that funny G-d must have had a stutter". We apply the
> rules G-d told us to apply in order to learn out His laws. It so
> happens that not to cook a kid in it's mother's milk is mentioned 3
> times and each mention is to learn out a different aspect of the law
> (for the specifics you can begin with Mesches Chullin). You want to
> leave what G-d wants up to human "logic", but we believe G-d has
> given us everything needed short of a prophet in order to know
> *exactly* what he wants (is it so strange that if G-d has
> expectations from us, then he should not leave it up to the
> imagination as to what those expectations are?).

Could you e-mail me the 3 references. I'm not challenging you, just
curious, as the only one I remember atm is the kid in its mother's milk


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"The God who made the world and everything in it, being Lord of
heaven and earth, does not live in shrines made by man." Acts 17:24