Food safety
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Peter A
external usenet poster
Posts: 1,442
Food safety
In article >,
> Stats will tell you how often it happens, but they don't tell you why.
> Common sense (and news stories) will explain it. With ground meat, there's
> more surface area exposed to contaminants. The germs are usually present on
> processing & packing machinery. As the meat is ground, the germs are
> thoroughly mixed in. If you don't cook your burgers completely, they won't
> heat up enough inside to kill all the germs. The same germs won't penetrate
> a steak or a pork chop, unless it's been sitting around so long that
> appearance or smell would hopefully alert you to the fact that it's not
> worth eating.
You make the argument for grinding your own meat.
Peter Aitken
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