Thread: Food safety
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JoeSpareBedroom JoeSpareBedroom is offline
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Default Food safety

"LT" > wrote in message
>> You make the argument for grinding your own meat.

> Grinding your own has some big advantages over store bought ground meats,
> but that in itself will not guarantee safety if cooked rare. The center
> under cooked (rare) portion of a patty, can only be as germ free as the
> uncooked outsides of the piece of meat is before grinding. And when you
> buy
> a piece of meat to be ground, you are again trusting in the
> butcher/merchant
> to handle it properly. Also, such meat is easily contaminated if you are
> not
> careful with it in your kitchen.
> All that said, I eat um rare all the time. Also eat lots of oysters, and I
> love a good Caesar salad made the original way, with a raw egg. Living on
> the wild side eh?
> Larry TO

It also depends on your age and your health in general. Salmonella doesn't
usually kill healthy people, but sometimes....ya know. So, you weigh the
risks based on your situation. If it turns out you were wrong, you sue the
store that sold you the meat grinder. :-)