Thread: KCBS vent
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Barry Bean Barry Bean is offline
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Posts: 75
Default KCBS vent

" BOB" > wrote in news:6WP9g.23393$Sl4.20209

> Barry Bean wrote:
>:: As I'm the original poster, consider me offended. Further,
> Good. That's what I intended.
>:: I'll suggest
>:: you google my past participation here before youaccuse me of
> trolling.
> I don't need to google. I remembered right after I hit <send>

Not very well, apparently.

Out of curiosity, are you the poster who accused of of lying about about
competing and then disappeared when I posted the photos from our last

> There are probably less than a dozen people (probably less than 6)
> posting here that have much experience with BBQ competitions. You
> were bitching about rules. I assumed that you would have at least
> read through the rules, possibly even studied them before you decided
> to compete. That's usually the way it is done, in *any* type of
> competition, whether it be tic-tack-toe, NASCAR, yacht racing or
> anything else. You don't understand or agree with the rules, it's
> *YOUR* problem, not that of the organizers or other competitors.

Once again, I didn't realize that KCBS was so sacrosanct that one dare
not question the logic of a specific rule in a public BBQ forum.

> Did you get disqualified for an illegal garnish?
> Sour Grapes?

Had you paid attention to the original post, you'd know the answer to
this question.