KCBS vent
Barry Bean wrote:
:: " BOB" > wrote in news:6WP9g.23393$Sl4.20209
:: @bignews1.bellsouth.net:
::: Barry Bean wrote:
::::: As I'm the original poster, consider me offended. Further,
::: Good. That's what I intended.
::::: I'll suggest
::::: you google my past participation here before youaccuse me of
::: I don't need to google. I remembered right after I hit <send>
:: Not very well, apparently.
Well, not as well as you troll, apparently.
:: Out of curiosity, are you the poster who accused of of lying about
??? try English. Oh, and *I* don't lie. You?
:: competing and then disappeared when I posted the photos from our
:: competition?
Huh? What the hell are you babbling about? This is a non-binary
newsgroup. You don't want to post pictures here
::: There are probably less than a dozen people (probably less than 6)
::: posting here that have much experience with BBQ competitions. You
::: were bitching about rules. I assumed that you would have at least
::: read through the rules, possibly even studied them before you
::: to compete. That's usually the way it is done, in *any* type of
::: competition, whether it be tic-tack-toe, NASCAR, yacht racing or
::: anything else. You don't understand or agree with the rules, it's
::: *YOUR* problem, not that of the organizers or other competitors.
:: Once again, I didn't realize that KCBS was so sacrosanct that one
:: not question the logic of a specific rule in a public BBQ forum.
You don't read for comprehension, do you? I told you where to ask
your questions. Have you done it yet?
There aren't many people here that even want to know about
competition. You won't get much response here in this group.
You like MIM. Unfortunately (for you) it is dwindling in popularity
around the country. KCBS is growing. Get over it.
::: Did you get disqualified for an illegal garnish?
::: Sour Grapes?
:: Had you paid attention to the original post, you'd know the answer
:: this question.
I read your original post. You bitched about "they then hand out a
list of
restrictions and requirements on how you can prepare your blind
No mention whether or not you were DQ'ed for illegal garnish.. Just
bitching because you didn't read the rules *BEFORE* entering the
All of the rules and regulations are availible on the KCBS website.
If you had cared about the rules, you just might have checked to see
what the rules said *BEFORE* you sent in your money and entry form.
You didn't. You lose
Raw Meat Should NOT Have An Ingredients List