Harry Demidavicius wrote:
:: On Sun, 14 May 2006 20:28:23 -0400, " BOB" > wrote:
::: There are probably less than a dozen people (probably less than 6)
::: posting here that have much experience with BBQ competitions
::: I notice that you still haven't posted your question over at
http://www.rbjb.com/rbjb/rbjbboard/ where they just *MIGHT* have
::: information about how and when the KCBS rules were adopted. To
::: this helps my assertion that you don't really care. You just want
::: bitch.
::: Did you get disqualified for an illegal garnish?
::: Sour Grapes?
::: BOB
:: The way it was explained to me, way back when, is that regulating
:: what is eligible as garnish, is yet one more way to remove any
:: distinctive markings on the presentation box in case any competitor
:: and a judge collaborated to enable *that* competitor to get an
:: advantage. It may not be much on its own, but in combination with
:: other rules, it attempts to make the judging process as impartially
:: fair as possible. After all there's frequently a lot of dough
:: [meat;o) on the table, eh . . . .
:: Harry
Exactly. Barry's just mad because he didn't read the rules *before*
he sent in his money and entry form.
Raw Meat Should NOT Have An Ingredients List