Big meal, no appetite
"LT" > wrote in message
>> Don't you hate it when you spend hours in the kitchen making something
>> you're really looking forward to and then when it's done you're not
>> hungry or it doesn't taste as good as you were expecting? Whenever I
>> spend a long time preparing something sometimes it doesn't taste good
>> to me until the next day. My mom still makes big holiday dinners and
>> she says that she's never hungry either after fixing a big holiday
>> meal.
> What is occurring here is osmosis. You're hungry, you're in the presence
> of
> food. With out you knowing it, or doing anything, it flows from an area of
> greater concentricity (the tasty food) to and area of lesser
> concentricity
> (your hungry body) Basic scientific principle.
> Of course that's totally ridicules. But a lot to do with satisfy hunger is
> related to smell. Smell good tasting food long enough, and your body
> thinks
> it's been feed. At least that's my story and I'm stickin to it.
Happens to me all the time. The more I cook, the less I want to eat. And
it's particularly true if I've made a lot of different things (compared to
when I've spent the same amount of time making a lot of one thing.)